Welcome on the website of the FTMS 2025 School that will be held from 19 to 23 May 2025 at VVF "Les Vosges Bitche".
Fourier transform mass spectrometry generates a significant amount of data. Therefore, it is paramount for the community, of the present and future FTMS users, to be aware of the last updates on the basics and new advances on both the technologic and data treatment sides. This knowledge will promote FTMS technique in the scientific field but also in the development of interdisciplinary projects involving chemistry, physics, biology, and earth and human sciences.
The present formation is aimed at providing a theoretical and technical education in the field of the ultra-high-resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FT-ICR and Orbitrap). It will allow to the participants to better target the input of this technique in their research projects, and to better handle and interpret the voluminous generated data. There will be theoretical and practical sessions that will allow to acquire skills in the production and treatment of FTMS data. The purpose of this event is also to promote discussions between the participants and the speakers.
Targeted audience: PhD and post-doctorate students, engineers, researchers, teachers-researchers
Students and technicians in analytical chemistry
Pre-requisite: knowledge equivalent to a master level in chemistry or biochemistry in the field of analytical chemistry and more precisely in mass spectrometry.